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Financial Assistance

If you do not have insurance, are unable to provide CaroMont Health with adequate insurance filing information, wish to file your own claims, or you are not approved presumptive financial assistance, you must either pay CaroMont Health in full or make satisfactory financial arrangements prior to or at time of service. If you do not pay your bill in full at time of service, you will be required to provide information needed to complete the Financial/Credit Application. This application helps us determine your payment arrangements or eligibility for assistance programs. All requests for payments prior to or at time of service are estimated amounts due.

Uninsured Financial Assistance Discount

All uninsured patients will automatically be eligible for a discount comparable to those given to patients covered by Managed Care Insurance Plans.

Prompt Payment

CaroMont Health appreciates prompt payment of outstanding balances. To show our appreciation, discounts may be offered to you if you pay your account balance in full at time of service.

Cosmetic Procedures

Cosmetic procedures are required to be paid in full prior to the service being provided. Since discounts are already considered in the charge, prompt pay discounts do not apply.

Motor Vehicle/Other Non-Work Related Accident

Medical expenses incurred as a result of a motor vehicle or other non-work related accident will be your personal responsibility. It is our policy to file your medical insurance first, but CaroMont Health will also file claims to the liability carrier or attorney as a courtesy for emergency or urgent services. If you have no other insurance coverage or choose not to file your medical insurance, you will be responsible for the bill at the time of service. CaroMont Health does not become involved in disputes arising from liability claims.

Billing Process

Any unpaid balance will be billed to you shortly after your service. Payment in full is due upon receipt of the statement if prior arrangements have not been made with a financial counselor.  Accounts are considered past due if your payment has not been received within 25 days of the date of the statement. If your account becomes past due, CaroMont Health will take appropriate action to recover the amount due. Possible collection actions include transferring the account to a collection agency for further action.

If you are unable to pay your balance by the due date, it is your responsibility to contact the Billing Office to discuss your options.

Options to Pay Your Bill

We realize that many services provided by CaroMont Health may result in unexpected expenses for you. Therefore, we want to give you as many payment options as possible. Cash, check, money order, debit cards, credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express), bank financing and Medical Flex Card are all accepted.

How to Pay Your Bill

  • By mail at: CaroMont Health, P.O. Box 277487, Atlanta, GA 30384-7487
  • Pay online:
  • You can stop at any registration or Patient Billing area at the hospital entrance by the parking deck.


If you are unable to pay your bill in full, monthly payments can be arranged.

  • Minimum payment is $25 per month.
  • Extended financing carries an interest rate.
  • Low-interest rates of 3% are available for those that qualify.

Government and Financial Assistance Programs

CaroMont Health has other options which we can discuss with you, such as Government Assisted Programs and our Financial AssistanceProgram. Assistance is based on financial need. Required documentation may be requested in order to qualify for assistance. You can find the Charity Care application here.

Click here to view a summary of the Financial Assistance Program. Please view the Financial Assistance and Medical Debt Mitigation Policy below: