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Patient Rights/Responsibilities

As a patient at CaroMont Regional Medical Center, please speak openly with your healthcare team. Take part in your treatment choices and promote your own safety by being well informed and involved in your care. Because you and your family are active partners in your care, we want you to know your rights and responsibilities during your stay at our hospital.

Your Rights

  • To be treated with consideration and respect.
  • To get, from your physician, complete and current information about your diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis in ways that can be understood.
  • To get, from your physician, necessary information to help you to make a decision as to whether to consent to a procedure or treatment.
  • To information about pain management.
  • To refuse treatment, care and services to the extent permitted by law and to be informed of the possible medical consequences of your actions.
  • To every consideration of your privacy concerning your own medical care program.
  • To expect that all communications and records about your care should be treated as confidential.
  • To subject to your consent, to receive the visitors you designate, including, but not limited to, a spouse, a domestic partner (including same sex domestic partner), another family member, or a friend. You have the right to withdraw or deny visitors at any time by informing the care team. You will be informed of any clinical or other reasonable restriction or limitation that could limit visitation.
  • To expect that within its capacity, the hospital must make reasonable response to the request of a patient for services in an emergency (in regards to transfer to another facility).
  • To obtain information about any relationship of the hospital with other health care and educational institutions as far as your care is concerned.
  • To be told if your physician proposes to engage in or perform experimentation or research affecting your care or treatment. You have the right to refuse to participate in research projects.
  • To participate in decisions about your care.
  • To expect reasonable continuity of care for the illness or injury for which you are hospitalized.
  • To examine and receive an explanation of your bill regardless of source of payment.
  • To know what hospital rules and regulations apply to your conduct as a patient.
  • To present concerns or conflicts about your care to the Patient Representative or management staff without fear of compromise to your care or access to care.
  • Neonatal, child, adolescent and geriatric patients have the additional right to expect that the hospital have a process in place to review and evaluate special needs and wishes of your respective group.
  • Information about protective services can be obtained through the Care Management Department.
  • To obtain consultation with another physician.
  • To receive medical and surgical services if we are able to provide these without discrimination based on race, color, sex, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, language, culture, national origin, source of payment, age, religious preferences, or disabilities – physical or mental.
  • The hospital respects your right to and need for effective communication. Example: the right to access, when possible, an interpreter if the patient does not speak English.
  • To not be awakened by hospital staff unless medically necessary.
  • To be free from needless duplication of medical and nursing procedures.
  • To medical and nursing treatment that avoids unnecessary physical and mental discomfort.
  • To be free from restraints and seclusion unless medically necessary.
  • To have a family member or representative and your own physician notified promptly of admission to the hospital.
  • To make advance directives.
  • To be free from neglect, abuse, or harassment.
  • To easy access to your medical record within a reasonable time.
  • To receive care in a safe environment that preserves dignity and contributes to a positive self-image.
  • To actively participate in your plan of care.
  • To receive full information and counseling on the availability of known financial resources for your healthcare.
  • To receive the name of the individuals providing your care, treatment, and services. 

Your Responsibilities

  • Providing information that facilitates your care, treatment, and services.
  • Asking questions or acknowledging when you do not understand the treatment course or plan of care.
  • Following instructions, policies, rules, and regulations in place to support quality care for patients and a safe environment for all individuals in the hospital.
  • Supporting mutual consideration and respect by maintaining civil language and conduct in interactions with staff and licensed independent practitioners.
  • Meeting financial commitments. 

If you have questions or concerns regarding your experience at any of our facilities, please call 704.834.2694.