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Quality Assurance and Licensure Information

Information regarding CaroMont Health Laboratory testing policies such as verbal and standing orders, reflex testing, repeat testing and test cancellation is available from the Testing Policies link below.

Reference ranges are determined at test or instrument implementation, with any population changes, and also with periodic review of patient test results as is required by our CAP accreditation. The Laboratory Information System is only updated when the actual range changes.

Proper labeling, collection and preparation of laboratory specimens is essential for laboratory testing. The information links below provide assistance with tube types, specific collection information and user friendly guides to assist in specimen collection and preparation.

Quality Performance and Licensure

CaroMont Regional Medical Center Laboratory maintains ongoing quality control, proficiency, and quality assurance programs designed to objectively assess and monitor pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical aspects of testing to evaluate the quality of services provided.

Proficiency Testing

Inter-laboratory proficiency testing includes CRMC Laboratory participation in programs conducted by College of American Pathologists (CAP), American Association of Blood Banks (AABB), and American Association of Bioanalysts (AAB).

Accreditation / Licensure