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Our Commitment to Patient Safety

At CaroMont Health, we take your safety and security seriously. Accordingly, we have many safety measures in place. All our staff members wear a standardized identification badge at all times. This includes medical staff, physicians, environmental services staff, and volunteers. These ID badges will include: our logo, the staff member's name, their picture, and their title. Our trained caregivers will introduce themselves to you before providing care. If you see a staff member who is new or unfamiliar to you, ask who they are.

Your health and safety are very important to us. Help us by following these tips.

Make sure you know us and we know you:

  • Expect your caregivers to tell you who they are and what they do. They should always wear a badge with their name and picture.
  • Expect your caregivers to confirm your identity two ways - by asking your name and date of birth. This will happen whenever you are given medications, have blood drawn or a procedure is performed. You will be asked this information frequently during your stay to ensure your safety.
  • Do not take medicine or agree to a test or treatment unless we ask your name and date of birth.

Get all the information:

  • Please ask us when you have questions. If our answers are not clear, please ask again. If we are not present, write down your questions and ask us later.
  • Write down important facts your doctor or nurse tells you, or ask them to write it for you.
  • Read all medical forms and ask questions about them.
  • We don’t want you to feel rushed to sign forms. Make sure you understand what each form means before you sign it.
  • When you can, bring a family member or friend with you to talk with your doctors and nurses. Let this friend or relative:
    • Ask questions to help you both understand.
    • Review consent forms with you.
    • Make sure you both understand the type of care you may need at home.
    • Review your discharge instructions.

Please alert staff if:

  • You are going to leave the room unaccompanied by staff, please inform your nurse first.
  • Any alarms go off in your room, please contact your nurse and do not try to silence it yourself.
  • Any equipment needs to be adjusted, please do not do so, or have any visitors do so. Again, please call your nurse.
  • You have a latex allergy or sensitivity, please inform our staff immediately. Visitors are asked to bring Mylar balloons, not latex balloons out of consideration for latex-sensitive patients, staff and volunteers.

Children visiting CaroMont Health: 

Please keep children close to you during your visit. If a child gets lost, tell the nearest staff member right away-remember to look for the photo ID badge-and our staff can help you. Our staff is trained to carry out a response plan to locate lost children.

Security measures for newborns: 

Upon arrival, parents will be given information about our security measures. Please read this information carefully and ask any questions you may have. All staff members who work with mothers and their newborns have a unique identification badge. If any person or situation makes you uneasy or uncomfortable, tell your nurse.

Safety and Security: 

Our security officers actively patrol the hospital and surrounding grounds to ensure a safe environment. Safety personnel are available to assist patients and visitors as needed. To reach the security department, call 704.834.2801.

Aggressive behavior toward patients, visitors, or staff will not be tolerated. In North Carolina, assaulting a healthcare worker is a crime. Individuals who engage in any of the following actions may be removed from the property and/or face criminal charges: 

  • Physical assault 
  • Possession of a weapon 
  • Threatening or intimidating behavior 
  • Inappropriate sexual language or unwanted physical contact 
  • Written or verbal harassment 

We are committed to maintaining a safe and respectful environment for everyone. 

Hospital Safety Measurements

Find out about CaroMont Regional Medical Center's commitment to patient safety. 

Reporting Concerns

Find information about reporting unresolved complaints regarding patient care or safety issues. 

Family Initiated Rapid Response

If you notice a sudden worsening of a patient’s condition, call our rapid response team.