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Breast Lift

A breast lift procedure, also known as mastopexy, lifts and reshapes the breasts to restore a more youthful look. If you have lost volume as well, an implant may be recommended.

Good Candidates

Breasts lose volume and elasticity as we age. Multiple child births and breast feeding also contribute to sagging breasts. If you have gained and lost significant weight, you may have lost that “perkiness” that your breasts once had. Any of these life experiences can speed up the sagging that is otherwise a natural process as we age. If this sounds familiar and you are unhappy with the appearance of your breasts, a breast lift may be for you.

Prior to Surgery

As with any cosmetic surgery, the most important step in this process is your one on one consultation with your doctor. You are encouraged to have an open, honest discussion about your goals and expectations. Your surgeon will discuss pre and post operation instructions with you. This is a great time to ask questions and verbalize concerns. Together, you and your doctor will decide the best solution for your individual needs.

The Surgery

Most often, this surgery is an outpatient procedure and general anesthesia is used. A breast lift can take one to three hours. Different incision patterns are used depending on how far the breast needs to be lifted. These incisions and resulting scars sometimes are limited to just around the areola complex, however sometimes they also involve a vertical and horizontal component. All incisions and resulting scars however will be completely covered by a normal bra or bathing suit. Of course, these incision scars will fade over time. Access skin will be removed, and the areola will be moved into a higher position on the breast.


A breast lift or mastoplexy will restore the perkiness to the breast. This reshaping will turn back the clock so that the results are a more youthful appearing breast. Most women find that their confidence and self-esteem are boosted as well.

After Surgery

After your surgery, your breasts will be swollen, bruised and tender. This will last a few days. You will be required to wear an elastic band or surgical bra over gauze dressing. After a few days, the dressing and surgical bra will be replaced with a softer bra. You will most likely have to wear this bra for several weeks and the stitches usually all dissolve on their own. If you experience numbness around the areola or breast tissue, don’t be alarmed, this usually resolves as the swelling goes down and only rarely is permanent. Remember that healing takes time. Don’t plan to go back to work for several days. You will be instructed to rest immediately after the surgery for the first day or two. Normal walking is encouraged. Your doctor will give you detailed instructions on your post-operative care before you return home.

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