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Facial Implants

Facial Implants can significantly enhance and define the appearance of your face.

The appearance of your face is determined by three basic components: skin, soft tissue and underlying facial bones. If the structure of your face is disproportionate; the chin recessed, the jaw undefined or the cheeks flat, it can significantly affect your looks and self-image.

Defined facial features, visible contours and natural angles that are proportionate, create structural balance in your face and a more attractive appearance.

If you are bothered by a small chin, weak jaw or lack of facial contour, you may benefit from plastic surgery with facial implants. While any area of your face can be augmented with implants, the cheekbones, chin and jaw are the most common sites for facial implants. They can bring balance and better proportion to the structural appearance of your face.

Good Candidates

Good candidates for these procedures are anyone who is unhappy with the balance and appearance of their facial structure and who is in relatively good health.

Prior to Surgery

You will consult with your surgeon before surgery. This is the most important appointment you will have prior to surgery. It is imperative that you speak openly and honestly with your doctor about your expectations and be clear on the process. Together, you and your doctor will decide what the best plan is for you.

The Surgery

The surgeries will of course vary depending on what you are having done. Most often incisions are small. For example, if you are having a chin implant, the incision will most likely be inside the lower lip. The incision for cheek implants would be just under the eye or inside the upper lip. Jaw implants would be inserted on either side of the lower lip. Because most of these implant surgeries require incisions inside the mouth, there will be specific instructions on diet and dental hygiene. These surgeries are done on an outpatient basis with general anesthesia.


Your facial structure will be more proportionate and more balanced. You will feel more confident about the way you look, and your outlook will be more positive.

After Surgery

With most implant surgery, you will have some swelling, bruising and discomfort. This usually subsides in a week or two. Depending on the type of implant you have, you may experience difficulty moving your mouth and lips for a short period of time. Your doctor will review all post-surgery instructions with you before you return home. Recovery is usually between one and two weeks.

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