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Rhinoplasty - Nose Surgery

Rhinoplasty or nose surgery sometimes referred to as “nose reshaping” or a “nose job”, is the process of reshaping and resizing the nose making it more appealing and proportionate with the face.

Good Candidates

If you are unhappy with the size, shape, tip, the span of your nostrils, or if you are currently have breathing problems due to a deviated septum, this surgery may be for you. This surgery is also done to correct birth defects and injuries to the nose. Most surgeons prefer not to operate on teenagers before the age of 16 for girls and a little later for boys because they are still developing during this time. It is also important to consider their social and emotional condition and to be sure that it is something they really want and not just something their parents want.

Prior to Surgery

The most important step in this process is your consultation with your surgeon. Before surgery is scheduled you should have an open, honest conversation with your doctor about your expectations and goals. This is the time to ask all your questions regarding your surgery so that you are clear and know what to expect. Together you and your doctor can make the decisions for you based on your individual needs.

The Surgery

Rhinoplasty usually takes one to two hours. This surgery is done on an outpatient basis with general anesthesia. An incision is usually made inside the nostril. Cartilage is then sculpted away to reduce the size and shape of the nose. The septum maybe trimmed to correct droopiness or correct breathing problems.


Nose surgery can greatly improve the structural balance of the face and correct breathing problems caused by abnormalities. It will also improve the appearance and proportion of your nose, enhancing facial harmony and self-confidence.

After Surgery

You will experience some swelling, bruising and tenderness. It is common to have some bleeding the first few days after surgery and you may have headaches. Ice packs and pain medication can manage these symptoms. A splint will be applied to secure the position of your nose and nasal packs will be inserted into the nostrils to stabilize the septum. The nasal packs will be removed after the first few days, but the splints will most likely stay in place for a few weeks. You will also be instructed to keep your head elevated for the first few days after surgery, refrain from blowing your nose and do not wear glasses for the next several weeks. Your doctor will go over all the details with you before and after your surgery. You should be back to normal in two to three weeks.

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