What to Expect for a Skin Check
Adults should check their skin and moles about every three months. Those at risk for skin cancer should have a trained physician or dermatologist examine their skin once a year. Read more about how to prepare and what happens during your annual skin check.
Before arriving at your appointment, be prepared to point out or discuss any of the following:
Have any of your moles or spots changed over time?
Are brand new?
Patients are provided a medical exam gown. Skin checks usually take about ten minutes, more if there are any spots of interest.
Your physician will check your entire body from face, arms, back, feet, scalp and chest.
Your physician will discuss any potential issues or spots of interest. If necessary, a quick mole biopsy will be performed. Follow up appointments, if necessary, will be discussed.
Visit CaroMont Health’s website to schedule your skin check!