Grant Programs

Collaborating for health and wellness.
In 2024, the CaroMont Health Foundation provided more than $941,000 in grant funding to organizations and programs aimed at improving the health and well-being of the community. Guided by four focus areas within the Social Determinants of Health and the strategic priorities of CaroMont Health, the CaroMont Health Foundation awards community grants on an annual basis.
Call 704.834.40342024 Partners
AED Units and Training in support of Piedmont Chapter of the Links, Inc.
Provides support for the purchase and installation of AED units in community churches, as well as AED, CPR and first aid training for church members.
Breast Health Outreach Program in partnership with Kintegra
This program provides funding for screening mammograms for women without health insurance coverage and who are facing financial hardship.
Critical Dental Care in partnership with CaroMont Cancer Center
This program provides critical dental services and procedures, which must occur prior to radiation, to patients with head and neck cancers.
Critical Dental Care in partnership with CaroMont Cancer Center
This program provides critical dental services and procedures, which must occur prior to radiation, to patients with head and neck cancers.
Educational Programming for High Schoolers in support of Dream Center Academy
Provides support to increase educational opportunities for students in high-need areas to proactively build generations of college and career-ready graduates.
Healthy Lifestyles Program in support of The Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Gaston
This program provides opportunities for kids to learn about health food choices, physical activity and everyday healthy habits to support an active and healthy lifestyle.
Medical Equipment in support of Gaston College
Provides support for the purchase of updated medical equipment for the classroom utilization by Gaston College's students in the Emergency Medical Services and Nursing degree programs.
Medication Assistance in partnership with Heart Society of Gaston County
Provides critical support to individuals living with or recovering from a cardiac event who are unable to afford medications.
Nursing Certifications in partnership with CaroMont Health
This program supports nurses at CaroMont Health who wish to pursue advanced certifications.
Nursing Simulation Project in support of Belmont Abbey College
This project supports the purchase of advanced pediatric simulation technology and simulation training for college faculty to utilize the resources with nursing students in the classroom.
Nutrition Support and Supplements in partnership with CaroMont Cancer Center
Nutrition services are an essential component of comprehensive cancer care. This program seeks to provide education to ensure patients know how to make good choices and cook meals that best support their health during treatment and recovery. The program also provides nutritional supplements for those who can't afford them.
Patient Support Services in partnership with Cancer Services of Gaston County
Provides financial assistance to patients living with cancer. Assistance includes critical medications, needed supplies and transportation.
Student Athletic Training Aide Workshop in support of Gaston County Schools
Hosted by CaroMont Health’s Athletic Training team, this program offers a summer training workshop for high school Athletic Training Aids to learn skills used in Athletic Training and earn first aid and CPR certifications.
Student Meal Program in partnership with BackPack Weekend Food Program
This program seeks to ensure that students in Gaston County Schools are not without reliable access to food on the weekends.
Support for vulnerable populations in partnership with CaroMont Regional Medical Center
Several grants support patients in vulnerable populations and those facing significant financial hardship. Programs fund screening mammograms and follow-up diagnostic mammograms, chronic disease education and support, cremation services for families who are unable to bury loved ones and support for medication, medical equipment and transitional care services for patients leaving the hospital.
2024 Grants

Grant Recipients

Dollars Awarded

Benefits this Community