CaroMont Health Foundation Announces 2018 Grant Cycle
The CaroMont Health Foundation is pleased to announce the opening of the 2018 grant cycle. Community non-profit organizations interested in learning about the grants process are invited to attend an information showcase on Thursday, January 18, 2018 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the Auditorium on the second floor of CaroMont Regional Medical Center (2525 Court Drive in Gastonia). The event is open to all non-profit organizations in Gaston County and the surrounding area. Registration is not required.
The event will highlight current grant recipients and the impact they are making in the community, as well as provide important details about the upcoming grant cycle, application process and program deadlines. Current grant recipients will be available to discuss their programs and share success stories made possible through grant funding.
In 2017, the CaroMont Health Foundation awarded nearly $680,000 in grants to 27 community organizations and CaroMont programs whose initiatives support its mission of improving and enhancing the health and wellness of Gaston County. The grant funding focus changes periodically in response to the strategic initiatives of CaroMont Health. This year, funding will focus on programs aimed at reducing the incidence of chronic illness in our community.
Letters of Intent (LOI) will be provided at the event and must be returned to the CaroMont Health Foundation’s administrative offices by Wednesday, January 31. LOIs will be evaluated by the Grants Committee of the CaroMont Health Foundation Board of Directors and selected applicants will receive an official grant application in mid-February.
For more information about the 2018 Grant cycle, contact the CaroMont Health Foundation at 704.834.4034.